Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS)

The suppression of indigenous landscape stewardship and fire practices since colonization have been identified as a root cause of many of the present-day issues associated with ecological health, climate resilience, and community fire risk in California.

To address this, San Diego State University and their partners will leverage local networks to create a transferable, effective and community-based model of Indigenous-led land stewardship.

Reflecting both the cultural and biological diversity of southern California, the Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship (CNNCTS) project will build capacity and support tribal communities and provide CSU and UC students with high-impact learning and training opportunities that leverage and transform university preserves into learning laboratories and landscapes.

The objectives of CNNCTS are to:

  • Advance science-informed climate action through research collaborations, knowledge coproduction and exchange, and interdisciplinary curriculum development;
  • Translate knowledges to practice with a virtual community space, the Tribal Hub of Knowledges, and hands-on experiential learning at Stewardship Living Labs;
  • Put adaptation into action by supporting community-led stewardship demonstration projects and seeding pilot projects;
  • Expand landscape stewardship pathways to build capacity with workforce development; and
  • Promote social entrepreneurship to support a climate resilient economy through support for Tribal business development opportunities.

CNNCTS is supported by California Climate Action Seed Grants and Matching grants, funded by the University of California Office of the President as part of the 2022-2023 State Budget Act approved by the California governor and state legislature.

Learn more about the CNNCTS initiative