Climate Justice
SDSU is committed to promoting transformational change through partnerships and leadership in climate justice, research, policy and outreach
Catalyzing Community Change
Center for Community Energy and Environmental Justice
With $10 million from the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy, SDSU is teaming up with organizations across the western United States to provide technical assistance, training, and grant-getting support to communities with environmental or energy justice concerns.

With $7.1 million from the University of California Climate Action grants, SDSU will continue its long-standing relationships with the Kumeyaay, Luiseño and other tribal nations to safeguard lands and cultures against climate change.Elevating Indigenous Knowledge
Collaborative of Native Nations for Climate Transformation and Stewardship
Local Climate Resilience Collaborations
SDSU is working across San Diego and Imperial Counties to advance policies to protect resources and incentivize sustainable business practices.
Featured Projects
Training Diverse Climate Professionals
Supporting Workforce Development in Key Industries
As a Minority-Serving Institution, SDSU offers students unique opportunities to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge research in sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.
Environmental Health
Reducing Heat Stress and Chemical Exposures
Using silicone-based wristbands and dust samples, public health researchers will assess unsafe conditions.